Smart homes are a staple in today’s society. Who doesn’t love the convenience that comes with a smart home? You can control almost everything in your home via Wi-Fi such as your blinds, TV, oven, and garage opener. But did you know that because these items are connected they can also serve as a point of access for a hacker?
As these new threats emerge it is important you know what coverage is available. Acuity is now offering an Identity Theft and Cyber Protection enhancement to their personal insurance clients. This cyber endorsement helps protect from financial loss caused by an identity fraud or cyber-related event, including:
Identity Fraud Expense reimburses for expenses incurred as a result of recovering one’s identity.
Data Recovery and System Restoration coverage reimburses the cost to recover lost data and/or repair your personal devices after a hacking attack.
Cyber Crime coverage can apply to a variety of criminal activities, such as wire transfer fraud, credit card fraud, and phishing attacks.
Cyber Extortion coverage reimburses in a situation where an insured may be denied access to a device until a ransom is paid.
Cyber Bullying coverage provides reimbursement for financial loss caused by online harassment or bullying. This is a first and third-party coverage.
Data Breach of Others coverage provides reimbursement for necessary costs associated with notification of others in the event a cyber event causes a breach in the personal information of others.
Legal Expense and Damages Reimbursement applies if someone claims the insured is responsible for the loss of their personal information.
The Hartwell Corporation strives to be your trusted advisor. If you want more information about any of these coverages or a quote for your home or business, please contact us today.